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Dressings off

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Dressings off Empty Dressings off

Post by ACKUGA28 21st February 2015, 12:40 pm

hi ladies

Just wanted to let you all know that I had my 2nd wound check yesterday and whoop whoop my dressing are off! And I can SHOWER!!! dance

The nurse said that my incisions are healing nicely, and to continue eating a healthy diet full of vitamin c and zinc, and that I will have the follow up with my surgeon in 6 weeks time (7th April) I explained to the nurse about my concerns about my stomach still being very bloated especially the top part,the nurse said was to continue drinking plenty of fluids and that the bloating effects people differently..

I also explained that I wasnt 100% happy with my breasts as I feel they are close together, pointy, and that my nipple has slightly inverted, she said that it's still very early days and that my boobs will change greatly by the time I see my surgeon in April, which I can disscuss any issues with how they look then. Don't get me wrong ladies they look 100 times better than what I had to start off with.
but they are just not how I imagined or like the pictures I showed the surgeon.  
Sorry I don't mean to sound miserable about my new additions and I am glad I got them done, but I just can't help it when I say I'm not 100% in love with my new boobs.

Hope your all ok though. Xx
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by Charlii 21st February 2015, 1:03 pm

Yey for showers! It's going to feel soo good! If you can stomach it, peppermint tea is meant to help the bloating.

Re not being happy with them, your nurse is absolutely right. You're so early in your healing, there's a world of change to come. Even if he tells you they're done, trust me, they're not! He told me at my 3m they wouldn't change anymore, and they totally did. You just have to give it time.

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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by twinkleroo 21st February 2015, 1:11 pm

Having a shower again after what feels like a lifetime feels do good! Yay! 

Yes your nurse is right,  still so early.  They change so quickly! I'm only 4 and a bit weeks post op and I could see a change each week.  It's hard but have patience.  Xx
BJSF Addict

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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by ACKUGA28 21st February 2015, 1:18 pm

Thanks for your reply ladies.  I am being very impatient aren't i, 
I think I've got the imagines stuck in my head of what I thought they were going to be like and not being optimistic about my results, which is wrong I know, Because everyone's post op results are so different.
I often hear a lot of ladies on here saying they aren't going to study there boobs too much and ignore them, I think it's time I start doing that because I'm constantly looking at them, and studying them.
 And as for the size I think because my stomach is still quite large I think it's taking away me realising the size of my boobs,?? I tried peppermint tea but don't think I gave it a chance as I only had a few cups coz I kept gagging on it. I'm going to try it again.
 I was a very empty 32a and I'm really hoping to achieve a d cup...
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by Gembo 21st February 2015, 1:46 pm

Yay welcome to the shower club haha! It is so nice . And so good having the dressings off too .
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by twinkleroo 21st February 2015, 1:47 pm

I'm very impatient too! I was a very empty 32a possibly aa! Had 335cc unders and think I'm a d cup, haven't been professional measured though, only myself at home! I'm sure you'll achieve a D cup with 350ccs :-) x
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by Gembo 21st February 2015, 1:49 pm

How do you measure at home? I think I'm a e cup at moment but I am only a week post op haha
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by twinkleroo 21st February 2015, 1:54 pm

I saw a link on a previous old thread about measuring at home and not using the online calculators.  You'll still have swelling at one week post op but that's a great starting point :-)
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by mirren001 21st February 2015, 11:25 pm

Gembo wrote:How do you measure at home? I think I'm a e cup at moment but I am only a week post op haha
There's a pretty good measurement guide HERE that will give you a rough idea of size, it's always better to get properly fitted though. Bare in mind that early post op size /shape will be different from what you can expect your final result to be. XXX

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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by NikkiJaneT 21st February 2015, 11:44 pm

Good to hear your healing well hun. That's the biggest battle sometimes. Give your new additions time to drop and fluff. They will change A LOT in the next couple of months. Please don't stress hunni. Iv still got one much bigger than the other but the nurse assured me (even though I knew) that it's normal at this stage and your final result is months away. Sending hugs xxx
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Dressings off Empty Re: Dressings off

Post by ACKUGA28 22nd February 2015, 2:27 pm

Thank you all for your lovely comments and you've put my mind at ease, I know I've got to stop expecting too much too soon, and I am glad I had them done. I'm back at work now and boy I'm finding it hard, I work in retail (next) and didn't realise how much of my upper body I use... 
Hope your all ok xx
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