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May girls!

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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 18th May 2009, 10:35 am

Rachel09 wrote:Hope you're all doing well on here and that nerves aren't getting too bad for those of you that are getting closer to your Flash day! It's MORE than worth it honest!!

Definitely. Pre-op laides, it's sooo much easier than you imagine!

Rachel09 wrote:Had a pretty bad week, but that's down to stitches in my eyes that have made it very difficult to read/use the pc/watch tv etc. Today they have loosened up, typical as I'm having them taken out today!!

Sorry to hear that your eyes have been given you trouble Hug - sod's law that they're loosening up on the day they're taken out - bet you're relieved that it's over and done with now though ...

Rachel09 wrote: As for my Flash well they are doing great! Very little discomfort or pain so hopefully that will stay that way! Annie its funny you mention yours squeaking, if I raise my arms at the side a little mine make very strange noises!!

Yep, I really love my Flash even their sweet little noises (though I hope that doesn't become a permanent feature :lol: )

Rachel09 wrote: I've got my 7 day check up today so will get to see the dreaded scars, hope they're not too bad!

Let us know how your check up goes - mine's tomorrow - it'll be good to have a closer look at them won't it??!!

A xx
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by misf1 18th May 2009, 11:49 am

Hi there Rachel09 sorry to hear u had a bad week, hope ur appointment goes well today. Hope your feeling better.
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by littlemisstiny1 18th May 2009, 1:02 pm

Glad to hear the post-oppers are doing ok, it is such early days so you are bound to have quite a bit of discomfort / numbness / itchy scars etc and general adjusting to having boobs - i still can't believe it's all happening really, it is just getting more and more surreal for me! Mixture of terror and excitement really, oh well only 11 more days for me - so annoyed i am the last may girl! Rolling Eyes
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Rachel09 18th May 2009, 2:53 pm

LMT the next 11 days will go SOO quickly! Before you know it you will be back and telling the June girls that it's nowhere near as bad as they imagine it will be :hugme:I wish I could go back a week or so now and just enjoy the excitment rather than have the nerves :)

I'm just back form my check up and can see again now! She took the stitches out of my eyes first, then all my dressings off my boobies and I stood in front of the mirror, I was too busy thinking that I had such relief with my eyes that I can't remember how bad/good the scarring is or even remember seeing any stitches in them Rolling Eyes

Good luck with your app tomorrow Annie x
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by misf1 18th May 2009, 4:03 pm

Glad you can see again Rachel09. Did they put anything over your scars today after taking bandages off?

Good luck with ur appointment tomorrow Annie
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Rachel09 18th May 2009, 4:09 pm

She took the dressings and steristrips off, then replaced them with new ones, so I'm just the same now as before I went! I think that's only because I had an uplift too though?

How are you doing anyway?!
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by misf1 18th May 2009, 6:18 pm

I'm doing really well thanks. Just so impatient. I want to feel normal and be able to go out but I'm still walking really slow and a bit like a hunch back. I want to go buy bras and stuff but it's way to early. I've planned to go out thursday as M&S are selling items (i think it's underwear) from 1p so I thought I'd buy some, even if it doesn't fit, you can't go wrong for that price.
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by littlemisstiny1 18th May 2009, 6:30 pm

hi, just bit confused re dressings etc. do you normally keep them on for a whole week, then go and get them changed by a nurse, and from then on do your own every few days? And what are steri-strips plse?

Just wondered if i need to buy any dressing-type stuff before my ba, eg steri-strips, tape etc...?

thanks girls!
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Rachel09 18th May 2009, 6:41 pm

Wow I didnt realise they were selling things for 1p! I'll have to go too!

I think this part is quite difficult? You have your new Flash but can't really do much with them! :lol:

LMT I'm not too sure what happens, I know that next week she'll take the dressings off for me, change the strips and send me home with just the steri strips and no dressings, then when they fall off they fall off... she gave me some more dressings today incase these fell off, I've not heard of anyone having to change their own, although maybe they do, but I'd expect they'd provide them if thats the case... hmmm

I didnt buy anything like that anyway!

The steri strips are like thin really sticky tape that they stick over the incisions then put dressings on the top, I think they help your scars heal flat, but I could be wrong on that too

Hopefully somone else can answer, I'm pretty clueless really when I think about it! Hysterical
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Rachel09 20th May 2009, 1:14 pm

Hey how's all the May girls doing? Not long now till everyone in here is post op! x
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by littlemisstiny1 20th May 2009, 5:00 pm

Hi there,

Hmmmm this month is going sooooooooooooo slowly! I am just thinking about it loads and it's annoying me now as I want to just get it over with. Yes I know I'm impatient! Feeling a bit more prepared now as I've got my stuff together and even started packing my bag today. The weird thing is I haven't even paid for it yet, they said they'd call but they haven't yet which is weird as it's only about 10 days away. ..

Hope you're healing ok - how is that pillow going??!
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 20th May 2009, 5:25 pm

misf1 wrote:I want to go buy bras and stuff but it's way to early.

Rachel09 wrote:
I think this part is quite difficult? You have your new Flash but can't really do much with them! :lol:

Hi Ladies,

Yes, this is such a limbo period isn't it - You've got them but they've still got a lot of healing and settling to do . I had my first post-op check yesterday and the microfoam came off and my PS changed the steri-strips. They feel a little more swollen and firm than they did immediately post-op, but I think you just have to resign yourself to the fact that it's going to take a while for them to settle down into their final form. I'm really thrilled with them though, I think they're lovely Flash !! Had my first day back at work today and must admit I wasn't very productive - still seem to feel pretty knackered mid-afternoons. I was secretly blaming it on the GA but realistically I've always had trouble with the 3pm slot :lol:

Great to hear all you post-op ladies are doing well :) , and not long for the pre-oppers either - a week Sunday and all us May girls will be done!

A xx
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 20th May 2009, 5:34 pm

littlemisstiny1 wrote:hi, just bit confused re dressings etc. do you normally keep them on for a whole week, then go and get them changed by a nurse, and from then on do your own every few days? And what are steri-strips plse?

Just wondered if i need to buy any dressing-type stuff before my ba, eg steri-strips, tape etc...?

thanks girls!


I think each surgeon does it slightly differently. I had microfoam over the top of my boobs and dressings over my scars for a week. Then yesterday the microfoam and dressings were taken off by my ps and he changed the steri-strips. He told me to wash as normal and then when the steri-strips eventually fall off to leave them off (there's no need to buy anything extra in otherwords!).

Steri-strip is just the 3M trademark name for the kind of surgical tape which surgeons use to help keep the skin together.
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by littlemisstiny1 20th May 2009, 5:37 pm

ah, ok makes sense now. how was it to have your dressings off? did they look how u imagined them? and have u just got steri-strips on now? do they feel like yours yet or a bit alien still? (sorry too many questions!)
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 20th May 2009, 5:45 pm

littlemisstiny1 wrote:Hi there,

Hmmmm this month is going sooooooooooooo slowly! I am just thinking about it loads and it's annoying me now as I want to just get it over with. Yes I know I'm impatient! Feeling a bit more prepared now as I've got my stuff together and even started packing my bag today. The weird thing is I haven't even paid for it yet, they said they'd call but they haven't yet which is weird as it's only about 10 days away. ..

Hope you're healing ok - how is that pillow going??!

Hi again LMT!
Just seen this one ... I actually had to phone them up and say "can I pay you please!". Perhaps give your patient co-ordinator a ring and say you want to pay for it, they're lovely girls but they can be a bit laid back about things :lol:

As for the mahoosive pillow ... it certainly helps, but as I recover and generally feel less tired, I've found trying to sleep on my back is becoming more and more difficult. My ps said I could lie on my side if I really couldn't sleep, but not to lie on my front, so I tried that last night and it was a bit better, but then I kept waking up because I think I was unconsciously worrying in case I'd rolled over onto my front Rolling Eyes . Hey ho !

A xx
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 20th May 2009, 5:50 pm

littlemisstiny1 wrote:ah, ok makes sense now. how was it to have your dressings off? did they look how u imagined them? and have u just got steri-strips on now? do they feel like yours yet or a bit alien still? (sorry too many questions!)

he he just seen this one too! :lol: .

Having the dressings off was no problem - a little bit like waxing but not as painful! I think they look really good - just as I imagined them - natural slope, full but not huge and not at all alien. Interestingly, they felt like mine from the minute I woke up - I know not everyone feels like that but they feel like 'me' already. I have the steri-srips on now and will just wait for them to fall off in their own time.

A x
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by shandy58 20th May 2009, 6:46 pm

Hiya LMT and Annie,
Just wondering who you went/going with as I had to pay upfront a month before date..even thou I couldn't see the ps before payment was due told it was company paid up and arranged ps consultation then he cancelled BA and lipo on Sunday and still havn't seen the ps.....really worried about the size of implants as only 5ft....34 small ish C and don't want to bigger than a DD as I do loads of exercise...they have arranged 435cc.....don't know what implants they use....or if they will have a range of sizes at the hospital in case I don't feel comfortable with the size.....sorry pre nerves getting out of contrl here...
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 20th May 2009, 7:07 pm

shandy58 wrote:Hiya LMT and Annie,
Just wondering who you went/going with as I had to pay upfront a month before date..even thou I couldn't see the ps before payment was due told it was company paid up and arranged ps consultation then he cancelled BA and lipo on Sunday and still havn't seen the ps.....really worried about the size of implants as only 5ft....34 small ish C and don't want to bigger than a DD as I do loads of exercise...they have arranged 435cc.....don't know what implants they use....or if they will have a range of sizes at the hospital in case I don't feel comfortable with the size.....sorry pre nerves getting out of contrl here...

Hi Shandy,

LMT and I went through MyBreast. They are very non-commercial and don't pressurise you at all. I think of them more like a contracting agency rather than a 'company' as such. They arrange your consultations and take your payment, but apart from that the only person you really get to know properly is your surgeon.

As for your size issue - it's tricky to say - it does depend on how your existing tissue is 'spread' at the moment - I'd say you'd probably measure closer to an E. And with the implants - please be careful - I think you need to make sure they're not using 'PIP' implants which are probably the lowest quality implant on the market (use the search engine in the main board for more details on this).

I think your situation is quite difficult to comment on to be honest. I personally do feel you're being pushed into the procedures too quickly. But everyone is different and it's ultimately up to you to decide how comfortable you are with risk-taking.

We'll try and help you as much as we can :)

A xx
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by littlemisstiny1 20th May 2009, 7:16 pm

Hi shandy58,

I do think all this is a bad way for this company to behave, but if you definitely don't want to be more than a DD you might want to err on the conservative side re the size as I think you cd well go up more than a couple of sizes with 435...but I wd think they will have a few sizes at the ready, especially as the surgeon hasn't seen you himself.

Why don't you call / email the company and ask them exactly the same questions as in your post, re your expected post-op size, type of implants they will use and if there will be other sizes available on op-day.

I'm not surprised you are feeling stressed as they are not giving you all the info you need in my opinion. Think you will feel better once you've spoken to them,

Good luck
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by shandy58 20th May 2009, 8:01 pm

LMT and Annie,
Many thanks....will phone tomorrow as very worried about the lack of information, if I hadn't paid the money I think I wouldn't go ahead with the op..thou I really want too for self esteem reasons. The P/co did say that I could cancel on the day if I didn't like the ps...and I would only lose the pre op assessment..of £150..which didn't seem too bad...I have just read the don't do's.and haggle the price.....and I have done all of them.....pressurised into agreeing, took the bate on discounts....seeming too keen, didn't wait for P/co to phone, paid money before, accepted the excuses, saw another ps who couldn't speak because he lost his voice, changed my hospital time, and post op date, the list is endless thinking about it, it doesn't give you much confidence..but they always seem lovely on the phone....they say that I wanted the op quickly and that I wasn't forced.......I saw then during Easter break and that was 6 weeks ago so not sure if this was all done never done it before....sorry waffling now...
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 21st May 2009, 11:01 pm

shandy58 wrote:LMT and Annie,
Many thanks....will phone tomorrow as very worried about the lack of information, if I hadn't paid the money I think I wouldn't go ahead with the op..thou I really want too for self esteem reasons. The P/co did say that I could cancel on the day if I didn't like the ps...and I would only lose the pre op assessment..of £150..which didn't seem too bad...I have just read the don't do's.and haggle the price.....and I have done all of them.....pressurised into agreeing, took the bate on discounts....seeming too keen, didn't wait for P/co to phone, paid money before, accepted the excuses, saw another ps who couldn't speak because he lost his voice, changed my hospital time, and post op date, the list is endless thinking about it, it doesn't give you much confidence..but they always seem lovely on the phone....they say that I wanted the op quickly and that I wasn't forced.......I saw then during Easter break and that was 6 weeks ago so not sure if this was all done never done it before....sorry waffling now...

How did the phone call to your company go Shandy? Did they give you some more information? Just remember that if you turn up on the day and you have any doubts whatsoever then walk out!! Of course, things may go perfectly well for you but don't go through with it if you have even the slightest hesitation. There are other surgeons working in other companies (or independently) who can do equally good work. This is one area of your life where you must be completely self-interested!

A x
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by niptuck29 22nd May 2009, 1:05 pm

Hey girls,

Im back from my ba with mr adamo! everything went fine and was surprised how i wasnt in pain after the surgery but now im feeling the affects! lol.

My boobs are swallon and pointy at the moment so hopefully they will settle soon! xxx
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by Annie66 22nd May 2009, 2:11 pm

niptuck29 wrote:Hey girls,

Im back from my ba with mr adamo! everything went fine and was surprised how i wasnt in pain after the surgery but now im feeling the affects! lol.

My boobs are swallon and pointy at the moment so hopefully they will settle soon! xxx

Well done niptuck29! Glad it all went well for you. Make sure you take it easy and get lots of rest for the next few days :)

A x
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by littlemisstiny1 22nd May 2009, 2:45 pm

hi niptuck!

well done, hope you're not feeling too sore. Keep taking those drugs!
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May girls! - Page 7 Empty Re: May girls!

Post by niptuck29 22nd May 2009, 4:40 pm

yer i got my tablets to take which are slowly helping,

at the moment my boobs are shiny and quite hard will they start to change like come abit closer together?? xx
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