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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 10th July 2013, 8:11 am

Hi all,

SO im getting stinging and stabbing in my left incision area.  Did anyone else get this?

My temperature is normal at 36.9.
Ive text my nurse (I know, amazing). Just waiting for a reply.

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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 10th July 2013, 8:12 am

Just read my discharge stuff and oh my god ive got no stitches!!!!!!
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Lizzy 10th July 2013, 8:29 am

Oooooh yep, shooting pains, stabbing, stinging,.. I'm at day 6 po and have had terrible stabbing pains, I'd be in tears some nights.... But I've read that "most" women don't seem to get it this severe... I'm just unlucky...

Cookie explained that the pain is due to the nerves reconnecting, that it's all totally normal, so you'll have live with it for a while, maybe take some more meds..? a bag of frozen peas on the naughty boob feels good too !

Take care Max, I feel what you're going through ;-)
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 10th July 2013, 8:40 am

I can cope with anything if its normal! Thanks for the reassurance xxxxx
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by jenniferrf1 10th July 2013, 9:10 am

Yer max, I'm still pre BA but have had an operation before and those feelings are all due to healing so positive reasons! Xx
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Vix85 10th July 2013, 9:14 am

hi max, I had stabbing pains in one boob for two days. It is normal hun and will subside, as previously mentioned, ice packs will help withthis xx
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by COOKIE 10th July 2013, 10:25 am

Totally normal hun Hug 

As the girls have said, the icepacks or a bag of frozen peas/rice/corn placed over the top of your boobs will help to ease this. 

The stitches you have are stitches that naturally dissolve, so not at all like the ones that need pulling out. Xx

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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Happy1day 10th July 2013, 12:05 pm

I am 6 weeks on and I still get the occasional stabbing pain, had a few this morning - I just think it is a positive thing and my nerves knitting back together - it does ease off though xx
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 11th July 2013, 10:43 pm

Spoke to my nurse today, she said the same. Its the nerves being effected by the swelling, and any damaged nerves healing. :-D
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by mrsball 12th July 2013, 12:19 pm

That's was pretty painful I found, very stingy on the insions, means they're healing though and nerves knitting back together. X
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 12th July 2013, 2:22 pm

Healing is good!!! Its not happened today, yet! :-)
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by COOKIE 12th July 2013, 2:48 pm

Don't panic if they come back Max. The stabbing pains can come periodically through the year of your healing. This is totally normal though. Xx

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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 13th July 2013, 8:48 am

Its back!
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Blueeyedsoul13 13th July 2013, 10:14 am

aw no hun i feel your pain, though mine luckily always subside quite quickly.

i always just try and embrace the pain if that makes sense, because i know its a positive thing and it means healing is taking place inside :) x
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by cheekychickan 13th July 2013, 10:42 am

I agree with Blue - i had a small stabbing burning in my left a few times yesterday, i almost wanted to celebrate as due to this thread i told my OH all was ok i was being fixed :D

Imagine next year Max when they will bounce and it'll all be worth it xxx
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Max1980 13th July 2013, 12:44 pm

Oh I can't wait! Glad it means healing though :-D:-D:-D
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by cheekychickan 13th July 2013, 5:22 pm

I have had a funny vibrating sensation in my right nipple area on and off all day - it doesn't hurt but its weird - i hope my surgeon didnt drop his bleeper in there! lol

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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by mirren001 13th July 2013, 7:50 pm

cheekychickan wrote:I have had a funny vibrating sensation in my right nipple area on and off all day - it doesn't hurt but its weird - i hope my surgeon didnt drop his bleeper in there! lol


 Had a good laugh a that one! Out of all the healing pains, farting sounds I found the vibrating feeling the weirdest sensation, al part of the healing process in the road to having fabby boobs! XXX

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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Selena8683 13th July 2013, 8:18 pm

My incision areas caused me quite alot of discomfort too hun, especially in the morning.....kind of like how I'd imagine it would feel to have acid thrown on my boobs! (that's how I described it anyway!). Quite bad for at least the first four of five days post op, but then eased up but I still get discomfort in my incision area at one month post op xxx
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Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww Empty Re: Stinging and Stabbin Pains! Owwww

Post by Blueeyedsoul13 13th July 2013, 10:31 pm

oh the vibrating bleeper made me laugh! Hysterical 

all signs of healing though! x
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