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Breast Buddies
Hi and welcome to Breast Buddies Forum!

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Different sized boobs

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Different sized boobs Empty Different sized boobs

Post by Diamond2223 9th March 2011, 10:17 am

Hi girls , I'm 3 and a half weeks post BA . I've always had one boob slightly smaller than other and the same nipple slightly higher . My PS said she wasn't going to put in different cc sizes as she thought it may make it worse but at the stage I'm at now my old little boob is still slot smaller and the nipple is higher it seems worse and more noticable than before I think I can even see the difference with clothes on and I'm getting worried has anyone else had this problem !!
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Different sized boobs Empty Re: Different sized boobs

Post by RoxyChick 9th March 2011, 10:31 am

Hey lovely,

You do have to treat each boob as a separate operation, one may heal and settle quicker than the other. Also don't forget if your boob was smaller then the skin is stretched more than the other larger boobie, which will make it sit higher on your chest.

Three weeks post op is still really early days, I'm sure in a few weeks you'll notice them change so much.

If it's a real worry then contact your surgeon and have her make a not in your file... if it comes to it and you request a re-op then you can say you were aware of the problem in good time.

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Different sized boobs Empty Re: Different sized boobs

Post by pinkbabe 9th March 2011, 11:51 am

As roxy has already said both boobs heal and change at different rates so right now I wouldn't worrry to much. There are a few girls on here who have had the same thing. x
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Different sized boobs Empty Re: Different sized boobs

Post by xx sharon xx 9th March 2011, 2:03 pm

Ive always had one boob slightly bigger than the other. When i had my first BA it was explained that the difference didnt warrant different size implants BUT having implants would slightly exaggerate the difference.
During the early weeks of healing my bigger boob was more swollen and i freaked out sooooo much but once settled the difference was only slight and nobody else noticed.
I had a re-op due to rupture 6 weeks ago and had larger implants. My boobs are healed and settled now and I think the difference is more noticable now...but hey...most ladies have a slight size difference naturally!
I wouldnt worry yourself too much just yet, its early days...x

xx sharon xx
xx sharon xx
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Different sized boobs Empty Re: Different sized boobs

Post by Carrie 9th March 2011, 2:41 pm

My boobs were also different sizes before my BA and one nipple higher than the other (although I never noticed the nipple thing until surgeons told me lol). In the early weeks after my op the size difference was much more noticeable, especially because I think the larger one dropped sooner than the smaller one so I feel like it is sitting lower. But my surgeon advised me this would be likely, I'm gonna check it's all ok at my check on Friday, but so many changes have happened already, I'm not too worried. I'm sure everything is gonna be fine for you Diamond, good advice from RoxyChick to get it recorded on your notes if it continues to play on your mind xx
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Different sized boobs Empty Re: Different sized boobs

Post by misf1 9th March 2011, 6:35 pm

I agree with the others, my right was always slightly smaller and having the same size implants has actually improved the difference but not completely. I can still see a slight difference but no one else can. I bet no one can see it in my pic either but I can. We are very critical of ourselves. I'm sure given time you will notice a great improvement in them, as roxy said you have to treat it like two seperate ops.
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