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Breast Buddies
Hi and welcome to Breast Buddies Forum!

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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by SG007 11th April 2011, 7:50 am

I had my PIPs implanted 2 years ago and when removed recently (replaced by Nagors) yes one of them had already torn however no silicone had leaked...! I have to admit I am not in the slightest bit surprised...B****y Things .....

AND OMG THE NAGORS are SOOOOOOO much softer than the PIPs they feel incredibably natural!

:cheerlead: xx
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by COOKIE 11th April 2011, 8:21 am

Sorry to read about the ruptue babe, but really pleased for you lovely that you're now happy with your new boobs.

Enjoy 'em sweetness. I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) 113752 xx

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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by SG007 11th April 2011, 9:41 am

Think it just shows how c**p they really were....only implanted for 24 months....god alwfull things
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by alfie 11th April 2011, 1:59 pm

So pleased you've now got your lovely new boobs
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by Annie66 11th April 2011, 4:13 pm

Great news! Glad you've finally got all this sorted out x
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by Tamz 30th April 2011, 10:41 am

Hey, glad you have your new boobies and rid of the PIPs. Hoping my Natrelles will feel better too like your Nagors! x
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by princess-natalie 4th May 2011, 2:54 pm

hi ladies, i hae the dreaded pips in at the mo. went for a consultation yesterday and the surgeon told me he thinks mine are both ruptured.
can any one recommend a good surgeon using naturelles/nagors and some prices pls?
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by COOKIE 4th May 2011, 3:40 pm

Sweetheart, unless your surgeon has Xray vision, there is no possible way he could diagnose a ruptured implant, I don't know who the surgeon was that you saw but the ONLY way you and HE could possibly know is through you having a Ultrasound/MRI scan, so sweetness, do NOT be rushed into surgery by someone possibly suggesting a false diagnosis babe.

I would advise you lovely to go to your GP and request you be scanned, unless of course you've since been able to find the additional money to fund the surgery you wanted with no worries, then there's no point in having a scan as it doesn't matter if they're ruptured or not, you can press on with the surgery regardless and be able to have exactly what you want, remember cost comes LAST sweetie.

But my concern for you babe is that you might rush into a 'cheaper' option of surgery than you'd hoped for based on a surgeons suggestion that your implants are ruptured when there is no possible way he could know this.

I'm only telling you this for your own good sweetness as I have heard surgeons have told women the same to scare them into having their surgery so they gain the business from this.

Just remember Ruptures can ONLY be detected through scans, no physical examination can possibly detect a rupture.

If you're hoping to save more to get the surgeon and implant you choose, then please babe, don't rush, go to your GP and request the scan, this will then decide your choices, if it finds your implants have ruptured, then you KNOW you have to make plans now to get them out, if the SCAN finds the implants to be intact then this buys you more time to make decisions that YOU want sweetness. xx

Number of posts : 28796
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I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear) Empty Re: I did have a ruptured PIP (Tear)

Post by princess-natalie 4th May 2011, 5:56 pm

:flowers: thankyou for your advice and concern. i am going to my gp tomorrw and asking to be referred again, and go from there x
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