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right boob feels loose?!!

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty right boob feels loose?!!

Post by tinkerbell24 10th September 2014, 4:43 pm

hi all

so my right boob lately feels really loose like its moves alot more than the left and it sometimes feels like its stuck when it naturally falls to the side lol its so hard to explain but all I know is it doesnt feel right haha

any ideas xx
BJSF Elite Member

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by mirren001 10th September 2014, 5:00 pm

It's hard to say what it could be from your description, does it look different when standing upright next to the left one? Was wondering if it had dropped & settled as it should & maybe the left one  is the one that has the problem? Mine naturally fall a little to the side when lying down.
Have you to see your surgeon soon, if not you could maybe email him for his advice on what it could be.    Hug XXX

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by COOKIE 10th September 2014, 5:41 pm

Trying to put together your description Tink, if you can add more info that might help babe?

So you can feel the implant moving inside the breast pocket? I'd suggest the implant hadn't quite adhered to the breast pocket but not this long after your surgery.

And when you say your boob sticks when it naturally falls to the side, are you suggesting it stays static? If you are this is very normal with partials. The muscle covering the implant can hold the implant static so that it doesn't fall to the side. Infact, it's more common for partials to be static than for them to have natural movement that falls to the side.

If you can give more description Tink it might help bring everything together pointing to just one thing hun :ok: xx

Number of posts : 28796
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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by tinkerbell24 10th September 2014, 7:17 pm

lol it so hard to describle

say im lying on my back they do part to the side naturally which is great but some times I feel like my right goes further under the armpit and if i go to push it back up it feels like its stuck there haha its so hard to explain

my husband thinks that it might just be that they are now starting to drop into position, finally!!

they look the same too its so hard to explain xx
BJSF Elite Member

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by COOKIE 10th September 2014, 7:25 pm

I think hubby's right Tink. I know how hard it is to tell your hubby 'he's right' but on this occasion it's got to be done Tink. Lol. Xx

Number of posts : 28796
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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by tinkerbell24 10th September 2014, 7:55 pm

haha ok ok I will let him know that YOU think hes right therefore im not realy saying hes right haha xx
BJSF Elite Member

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by COOKIE 10th September 2014, 8:02 pm

Oi! Don't be bringing me into your marital disputes.

If it hurts ya that much to tell him he's right, just get in your bottom draw, sort out something that you KNOW he likes then you say nothing, he won't remember what he said anyway and I was never here. Shifty hahahahaha. Xx

Number of posts : 28796
Location : North West England

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by purplegirl 10th September 2014, 8:47 pm

I think I know what u mean!! I am three weeks post op and I felt like this earlier today when I had has a shower (and had my sports bra off for a bit). When id had a good look at my pictures and in the mirror I think it has dropped down a bit more than the other one. Hopefully it will be the beginning of fluffing? When did u have your ba? X
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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by COOKIE 10th September 2014, 8:53 pm

Tinks re-op was over 9 months ago purplegirl.

Your description does sound very normal too babe. You're likely to start dropping around 3 weekish, which is quite early so that's great for you! And yes, as they drop they do fluff :ok:, but do bare in mind that fluffing doesn't happen for everyone. There's only been a very few here it hasn't happened for but it's worth noting. Also it can take a bit time for it all to happen.

If you're experiencing the implant moving around your breast at 3 weeks, it could well be that the implant hasn't adhere to the breast pocket. Do check you're wearing a good quality sportsbra and check that it fits well allowing no movement at all to your boobs because if you're feeling implant movement you're going to want to keep your newbies as stable as possible to enable them to have time to rest where they should be.  xx

Number of posts : 28796
Location : North West England

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

Post by tinkerbell24 11th September 2014, 4:55 pm

yeah ask cookie said my reop was 9 month ago and this has just happened but I am still having problems with the muscles relaxing so supposed to be having a reop again end of year to go from unders to overs

BJSF Elite Member

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right boob feels loose?!! Empty Re: right boob feels loose?!!

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