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argh! Empty argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 3:04 pm

So im just over a week away till my 2nd nhs consultation and im struggling to lose the weight he asked me to lose.

My consultant wants my bmi to be under was 28 when I saw him 4months ago. He told me to lose at least 5lbs but I got the letter he sent back to my GP and it says ideally lose 1 stone!

I managed to lose 6lbs but 2 all inclusive holidays later im only 1lb under the weight I was when he last saw me.

Going by the letter he is happy to do the op providing I lose weight and was going to speak to Ben Chew who I know quite a few girls have had surgery with.
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Post by jenniferrf1 13th October 2013, 3:28 pm

Oh :(
Maybe try really hard this week! Drink lots of water, get active and eat healthy...starting a diet out its normal to loose a bit of weight first and then it gets tougher as time goes on... see what he says at your consultation... I guess he might book you in again to see him at a later date?

Fingers crossed for you! I know you've been waiting a long time xx
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 3:36 pm

I've really struggled my weight keeps goin up an down. If I can at least lose 4 lbs an get my bmi diwn. Its sitting at 27.34 atm going by nhs bmi calculator.

I would happily be sent to ben chew because Mr telfer is kinda creepy. X
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by COOKIE 13th October 2013, 3:47 pm

The NHS will ALL probably have the same calculation of allowance for your BMI to be at sweetheart before they will proceed with surgery... The yalso check BMI too when going private yes 

So whichever surgeon you choose babe, you're still going to be told the same thing lovely - I just don't want you think inking that changing surgeon might help change the situation lovely Hug 

You CAN continue losing in this week running up to your appointment hun, but its going to take a lot of will power to get you get you through (I know babe, I'm on steroids right now and fighting off the weight desperately) I KNOW its hard Victoria but it CAN be done babe.

Try cutting out all carbs from your diet this week, honestly hun, not a single one and you WILL lose... If you can stick to that and no snacks either other than healthy ones, it may not be as much fun as eating what you want, but it will be a lot of fun when you get those boobs girl! So stay focused gorgeous, you have a lot to gain and great motivation to do this hun and we'll be 100% right behind you hun. Xx

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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 3:57 pm

Its just mr telfer is rather creepy looking cookie.

Ye unfortunately I know they all use same bmi checker and it has to be <27.

I just don't understand why he told me to lose 5lbs but in my letter he sent to GP he says lose 1 stone.

My 3 weeks of nightshift really couldn't of come at a worse time :-( im trying to eat loads of fruit and have cut out fizzy drinks just now and having no added sugar diluted juice instead.

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Post by COOKIE 13th October 2013, 4:03 pm

You can but try Victoria and keep at it babe. If he's not satisfied with the weight loss you've had so far, then I'm sure he'll extend the time needed for you to reach your target.

Its a bummer if it does have to be set back a little babe, but its just a little more time and you WILL get there! If you'd like to hun maybe add a weigh loss ticker to your signature so we too can help encourage you through this... We'll be happy to do all we can to help sweetheart. This boobs ARE going to be yours yes 


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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 4:09 pm

I just wanna cry tbh. I've wanted this for so long and now my weight is the only thing setting me back.

I had a weight loss ticker then forgot my details to update it.

I want these boobs to be even an non tuberous like you wouldn't believe. Realistically as soon as possible so I can go on holiday in july with decent looking boobs
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by COOKIE 13th October 2013, 4:22 pm

C'mere babe Hug 

Focus on this week and do what you can. Then just wait and see what the surgeon says babe.

If you want to use the health section as a food diary to note everything down you're eating, then do that hun, do whatever you think its going to take to help you and you never know what might happen hun.

My heart really goes out to you babe. Hug 

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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by jenniferrf1 13th October 2013, 4:26 pm

I agree, use this feeling as motivation! You want to have these dream boobies and you CAN get them! Focus on this week, see what the surgeon says and then take it from there, fingers crossed for you xx
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 4:36 pm

I've started writing stuff down on notepad.

I've tried not to read all the happy boob stories coz im like argh I want a thread like that lol.

Thanks jen. I just wish I had blasted the weight loss but its so much harder than it looks. Especially after me saying 5lbs in 4months is he taking the mick thats easy. Its bin opposite! X
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Post by tinkerbell24 13th October 2013, 5:34 pm

I can relate with the not wanting to read happy boob stories ive been there, but one day you will have the boobies that you want

Is is Mr John Telfer, Ive met him as I had a consultation with him I think that hes not as scary as he looks lmao

as for BMI readings I hate them hate hate hate them, the gym manager at my work cant even get to go to a police interview, for a job just cause of his BMI but he is super for as he works out very hard but muscle is heavier than fat so his BMI calculations are really high

If your looking for a quick but healthy(ish) weight drop try the british heart foundation diet, my manager and the duty officer at my work have both done it and you can loose alot of weight in one week

If I can give advice and trust me, ask cookie lol, patience is really what you need in your BA journey, as I have came to learn, I went for my op thinking right I will wake up with the best boobies ever, how wrong was I and TBH I dont think that I will ever have the "dream" boobies that I wanted

I honestly feel for you but like the other girls say, just see what happens at this next consultation xx
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 5:48 pm

Yeah tink its john telfer. Hes just creepy looking lol pleasant enough though. My letter he sent to GP says that hes spoken to mr ben chew. So im guessing it will be him who does surgery....if all goes well!

Oh I haven't seen that diet. May need to Google it just now.

Yer I can imagine you have had to be very patient recently. You'll get your dream boobs too :-) x
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by COOKIE 13th October 2013, 5:50 pm

Ohhhh sweetheart, I would never suggest you read the surgery stories Hug  you time IS going to come lovely, so don't lose hope. Stay focused on the grand prize, there's no better motivation babe. Xxx

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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 5:54 pm

I need a good ole kick up the a**e I want bikini body without the fat belly an boobs that don't need x2 primark padding lol.

Oh I don't read the surgery stories. Sod that just now. I mean the threads in here x
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by COOKIE 13th October 2013, 6:06 pm

I getcha hun yes 

I think like Tink said babe, when you're not happy things are going in the right direction whether that be boobs aren't healing as they should or like yourself babe - boobs are coming as you'd hoped they would it can be VERY hard.

I've absolutely been there myself Victoria and think from what you're saying that you'll relate when I tell you how jealous I was was of everyone around me healing so well when it just wasn't happening for me. Not jealous in the evil I hate you way, lol. But in the 'I want those'! way.

There's many here who can totally relate to that Victoria please don't feel like you're alone there hun. I found venting in my BA diary was very therapeutic, I could put all my feelings in there and it really healed me through. Without that I don't know how I'd have coped because I just needed time away from the boobs section but still needed the support I could get from the forum and I found it right there hun.

I'm not saying that's the right things for you.... That was just the right thing for me babe and you just have todo whatever you can to get you through this hun until you get to where you need to be. Xx

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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 7:46 pm

Yeah I can completely understand that. Im holding off on starting a ba diary until I get confirmation that im gettin boobs.

Its like I see everyone's ba day coming an going an I want that to be me. Sounds really selfish but I want symmetric boobs that arent tuberous! X
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Post by Becciann84 13th October 2013, 7:56 pm

That doesn't sound selfish at all Hun! Don't beat yourself up. Like you said, you just need a kick up the **naughty word**! You will get there Hun, just keep motivated & you will lose the weight & get those boobies you've always wanted :)
There's a few of us girls trying to lose weight in the run up to Christmas & have got a thread in the health section if you want to join it? We're just all there trying to do the same thing & sharing tips & keeping each other motivated :) x
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Ding_dongs 13th October 2013, 8:03 pm

Try clean eating from now till your appointment basically that means nothing processed, all natural foods, such as chicken, green veg, eggs, nuts etc, little and often a few hours apart so your not hungry and it keeps your metabolism going, my other half is a personal trainer and lives by this! It's a lot of cooking, and preparation, but if you really want this it can be done !!! :) good luck X
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 13th October 2013, 9:28 pm

Thanks becci an ding_dongs. Im gonna cut out the crap an eat healthily.
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by COOKIE 14th October 2013, 12:20 am

Victoria2345 wrote:Yeah I can completely understand that. Im holding off on starting a ba diary until I get confirmation that im gettin boobs.

Its like I see everyone's ba day coming an going an I want that to be me. Sounds really selfish but I want symmetric boobs that arent tuberous! X
If you're selfish then every single woman here is selfish also babe and I'm VERY sure you don't think tha of any of us Hug 

Please don't feel you should wait for a date to stay your diary hun. There are so many other women out there right now possibly feeling just as you are right in this moment and reading your BA might just be the key to helping them get through this..... Do you think someone's diary might help you now if you were reading from the same sheet so to say?

Please don't think I'm pressuring you to start a diary babe, I'm not. I just want you to know the benefits you might have from writing one and also the benefit of knowing you might help someone else in return...

You'll be surprised at just how helpful it can be to just let those emotions all just flow sweetheart.... Honestly, it gave me the power of strength of sometimes just to get through the day having that diary to offload on.

I still use mine today and keep it updated... Because its good for me and I think it would be good of you too hun.

But if you just don't feel its right for you, then don't do it babe.

I wish you ll the very best when you go for the consultation next week Victoria. Hug 

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Post by Maisy_Ann 14th October 2013, 2:21 pm

It's hard losing weight so don't feel bad Victoria your surgeon might say u can have it done so don't get down about it your weight is moving in the right direction at least isn't it hope they say yes for u

Love Maisy. X
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argh! Empty Re: argh!

Post by Victoria2345 14th October 2013, 5:04 pm

Thanks cookie. I've started writing stuff down in a notepad so I probably will start a diary soon.

Thanks maisy. Oh I dunno about that he needs my bmi to be under 27. Its 27.34 atm so getting there a lil bit x
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Post by jensk 14th October 2013, 8:38 pm

Hi Victoria,

You are not alone! I have had loads of help form the girls here on my thread last week about not losing weight before my op. I cant remember what its called now but you can look down the list and find it.

I am 5'9", size 14, 14st!! People are so shocked when i tell them im 14st because i dont really look it but I am tall and curvy so its not all focused in one area so can be hidden better.

I wanted to lose 3 stone before my op on november the 6th. I lost one with slimming world, if oyu havent tried it i would reccommend it. I am a big foodie, not a massive fitness fan and i have tried every fad going. Slimming world is the only diet i have ever done that has worked for me and seemingly, without really trying! not much exercise so far and the food choices are really varied and easy to follow (not weighing everything constantly).

With the help of the girls here I made the decision to delay my op. I have wanted this desperately for years and years and have paid it all off etc, I was all ready to go and had a good old cry, then a moan and a tantrum then i manned up and called transform and rearranged it.  it will now be on 8th february and it was the right choice because now i have time to lose the weight before it. after all whats 3/4 more months onto these years of waiting?

I heard that if you lose more than 10lbs either way after op then they can look different. I would love to be 12/12.5st for my op, 11 is my skinniest ive been and i look fine in those pics. so you are more than a stone ahead of me keep going! It'll be so worth it but i do feel your pain. it can be so  demotivating when it just wont shift!

Good luck xxx
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Post by Victoria2345 15th October 2013, 12:41 am

Jensk im on slimming world. Have been 2 years. Lost 3.5stone. I started at 15stone 1.5lbs but like u am tall at 5ft 8 but put 1 stone back on roughly. . After last weeks weigh in im 12stone 11. But still hav a bmi of 27.34 and consultant wants me below 27.

Im just in a real rut atm can't be annoyed with diet and class leader cant exactly call herself leader as shes piled on weight!
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