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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Sky85 13th June 2015, 6:13 pm

Hi I'm new and very excited to be finally taking the plunge on a ba!! I've got my first appointment at transform Edinburgh.  I thought they said the surgeon was Casilescu who is female but no searches are appearing for this name.. It might be Vasilescu as this seems to throw up searches but none relevant to Edinburgh transform.  Does this ring any bells with anyone?  If so, any info or recommendations??    Not convinced so far!! Thanks
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by dannieyram87 13th June 2015, 6:26 pm

Welcome! I've been to Edinburgh Transform and I have had a fantastic experience with them so far, I had my BA nearly 8 weeks ago with Daniel Widdowson, I highly recommend him. Sorry i can't comment on any other surgeon and I've not heard of the one you are referring to, you can email or call the clinic and get the name again? What size of implants are you thinking of?
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Sky85 13th June 2015, 6:32 pm

Thanks for your message :) I've got no idea what size to be honest...  I'm completely flat and bf 2 babies so will need to go up at least 3 sizes!! I've been thinking about this for a long time but only really seriously looking into it now.  Did you go for transform in Edinburgh?  And who with and can I ask how much you paid?  I might phone them back and request a different surgeon.. I never got a choice.  I was just called up and told who it would be.  Should I request a surgeon?  Thanks x
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by dannieyram87 13th June 2015, 6:57 pm

I did go with Transform Edinburgh, though had my surgery in Stirling at a BMI hospital as it's closer. When I first enquired I was asked if I wanted a specific surgeon-as I had no idea I just went with first available. He was great, his name is Daniel Widdowson, I'm sure he is based in one of the NHS Lothian hospitals. Do you know which hospital your thinking of having the surgery?  Before my BA I was wearing 32B bra - though I was probably smaller as only wore padded! When I was thinking of sizes I thought no more than 375cc round high profile, though once I started trying on sizers I loved the 400 or 420cc and hoped for a DD. A good surgeon will advise what size implant will suit your frame so they should guide you. You can take in photos of breasts you like and perhaps even some you definetly don't like to give surgeon an idea. I'm very happy with my size and couldn't believe it when I was measured a 30F!! I had my first visit over Easter weekend and booked my surgery for the end of April (2015) i forgotten exactly what I paid! I'm sure it was £4,500 with the extended aftercare of £150 too. I paid £250 deposit on the day then paid the rest on my pre op day
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Sky85 14th June 2015, 4:31 pm

Thanks.. I'm going to consult with a few surgeons I think.. Although I've never heard of this surgeon (who is a woman) I am going to at least go and see her.  I'm very petite.. 5foot 8 stone.  I want them to be considerable bigger than they are now.  I'm so flat I don't think I even really size but I wear 32a padded!  I can't wear low cut tops as I have nothing to hold them up.  I've got a dress that I bought that I've never worn as it would be so low on me people would see my nipples!!!  I'm going to have to do more research really.  I would imagine my chest is narrow so high profile would probably suit me and I'm guessing somewhere in the 350 range more or less.   I have managed to save about £2500 so far and although my finances are good now, I do have bad credit history and I would prefer to pay a lump sum and pay the rest o retest free over a year.  I want it done ASAP but also know I need to think very carefully.  There is no doubt I will get it done though. That's a certain! Another thing is I don't particularly want people to know.  But I suppose that's another topic. So glad I found this page.  Do you have any pics you would be happy to share with me? Thanks x
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Charlii 14th June 2015, 7:02 pm

No idea on the surgeon, I'm down south, but as long as it's a surgeon, there is no harm seeing them. You can always pop them an email to confirm their name so you can look up their credentials.

Absolutely see as many surgeons you can until you make that connection, we reccomend at least 3. Try and get a baaps qualified one in too. They can cost a little more, but for good reason. Don't settle, and definitely don't put down any money until you're 100%.

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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by dannieyram87 14th June 2015, 7:41 pm

Ahh I sent a big reply but it didn't PM you my log in details
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Sky85 14th June 2015, 8:21 pm

Thank you. I can't message you yet but I can't log on without password x
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by EmzH 14th June 2015, 8:49 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] agree with everything the ladies above have said. If you take pics with you of how you'd like them to look then your surgeon will have the best idea. Most will ask about cup size but it's more a "look" than an actual size as it seems that implants seem to measure bigger anyway. Even try the rice boobs trick once you've had sizes suggested to get an idea of what size you like. 

In terms of not wanting people to know, I had mine done 5weeks ago tomorrow & currently there's only the people i've chosen to tell that know. I'm still in sports bras so people may notice more when i'm in normal bras again but it's completely up to you who you tell xx
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Sky85 14th June 2015, 11:10 pm

Thanks dannieryam87 they look amazing! X
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Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??  Empty Re: Transform Edinburgh Vasilescu or casilescu??

Post by Sky85 15th June 2015, 10:06 am

So it turns out they had put me down for my appointment today which is wrong!! I've just cancelled it as I would rather go with someone people have heard of..  Also glasgow would be easier for me.  Daniel widdowson seems to work at Elanic too in glasgow so I am going to consider seeing him there! Thanks x
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