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how bloody selfish can u get?!

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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lola_blsk 21st March 2011, 8:38 am

Girls I need to rant as I'm so upset!!!

My boyfriend and I have just split up!
The day before my BA and he chose to bring up all the past of who I slept with when we were on a break (he got a new girlfriend in that time)

I'm so upset! How selfish is that? I should be worrying about my op and keeping calm and he puts all this on me?? He seems to forget that HE cheated when we were together!!!

Arghhhhhh to men! Will I ever meet a nice one?xxxx
BJSF Addict

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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by sharonk 21st March 2011, 8:46 am

Awwww Lola that sucks, that's is a very selfish thing to say to you, did you ask him why he decided to bring it up now! I hope that you can try and relax so you can be ready for tomorrow. Its always hard when you get back with an Ex when you both have had partners inbetween, but if you love each other you should be able to get through it.

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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lola_blsk 21st March 2011, 8:51 am

Sharon, I didn't ask anything I just told him to leave me alone!

I need my blood pressure to be normal and my heart not be racing a thousand miles an hour!!!

I should be the one that does this as he cheated on me! More than once!

God I'm kicking myself for taking him back.... I shouldn't of done this! Xxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by sharonk 21st March 2011, 8:58 am

Men huh, your the better person at the end of the day, when someone cheats they generally never change regardless of what they say. Look on the bright side (if you can) you are going to have cracking new boobs and he won't be able to see/touch that'll teach him for cheating :) xx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lola_blsk 21st March 2011, 9:08 am

This is true! Bloody men! Seriously I really do pick them :-(

I just need to calm down and deal with it after.... To top it all of he said to me on saturday "I'm over big boobs and long hair" (I finally have my beautiful long hair back)
Wow what a kn*b!!!!!

Deep breaths and count to 10 Lauren :-) haha.

Looking forward to 11 o clock for u huni xxxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by butterfly2 21st March 2011, 9:39 am

Lola I think he is p*ssed that you are doing this for yourself and not him. You have your hair the way you want it and now your getting your new boobs he probably thinks you are goin to be getting loads of attention and he doesn't want to be around to see it.

Instead of being proud to have gawjus girl friend on his arm. He is cutting his nose off to spite his face. Well more fool him I say.

You will clearly be better off without him.

Good luck for tomorrow lovely and try your best to shut him out of your head for the next week or so, you need Rest and Relaxation hun. Just think of yourself for a little while babe xxxxxxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by COOKIE 21st March 2011, 9:39 am

OUCH! That's harsh hun, like you don't have enough bloody stress right now! Grrrrrr! men! Rolling Eyes

I'm wondering if a little pre-BA jealousy is kicking in? It's not at all uncommon for peoples other halves to act really weird about their wives/girlfriends right before their surgery. They have a fear about all the attention they think you might get after your surgery and fear you'll run off with the first bloke that admires the new assets - men can be sooooooooooooo stoopid at times! Rolling Eyes

You're probably at the height of your stress levels too babe and what he's doing really isn't fair to you how bloody selfish can u get?! 571992

No doubt he'll come running back babe wanting his little head rubbing and needing lots of reassurance that it's HIM you want and you're not gonna run off! *siggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh* then it's up to you to decide whether or not you think he's worth it babe.

For the moment though, just try to stay focused on tomorrow and your new boobs hun! Tomorrow is gonna be a great day with or without him! how bloody selfish can u get?! 184153 xxx

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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lola_blsk 21st March 2011, 9:49 am

I don't really know what his issue is? I'm just gonna generalise it and say "its coz he's a man"

I think you've hit the nail on the head butterfly. He doesn't like that I am now my own person! Not to sound big headed (I know its going to) I get chatted up a fair bit anyway and sat he was with me when someone tried chatting me up and I don't think he liked it!

I guess just coz he cheated on me he thinks ill do it back to him! Which is so not true!!

Ok I'm just going to try to ignore him and think about getting myself rested over the next week!xxx

All I keep thinking is "oh what a kn*b" (at least I'm not getting nervous about tomorrow though I suppose)

Every cloud has a silver lining! Xxxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by butterfly2 21st March 2011, 10:02 am

As long as your not getting nervous because your too stress with him being a Kn*b to you hun.

Sure he defo worried about your giving him the pay back treatment, but now is not the time for him to deal with this.

I would say that if he can do this too you now in your most stressful situation he really isn't worth it hun xxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lola_blsk 21st March 2011, 10:08 am

Thank u so much girls for the advice!

Butterfly your so right.... And this is what's annoying as I no this I just can't seem to act up on it!

Ok I'm just going to try calm down and think about number 1 for once in my life! Xxxx

I shall update u about Mr Selfish Kn*b as and when :-)
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by butterfly2 21st March 2011, 10:15 am

Lola dont beat yourself up about knowing what he is like I think all ladies go through that with at least 1 BF in our live times and just cos we know it It really doesn't make facing it head on any easier.

Chin up and think of your self for a little while. You really have to try and be your own top priority for now hun xxxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lindylou22 21st March 2011, 10:22 am

Good point butterfly, it really is much easier said than done! I think as you said we've probably all been there at some point or another (why are so many men like it!?)

Lola hun, now that you're going to have a day to yourself right before your op without having to worry about mr kn*b or rubbing his ego, why don't you have a proper girly treat for yourself. Get in some nice food, some good old girly films, have a relaxing bath, chill out in your comfy gear and just enjoy the peace and quiet!!! It's amazing how much NOT having a man to worry about can reduce your stress levels!!

As butterfly said, YOU are your own top priority right now!!

Good luck hun

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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by lola_blsk 21st March 2011, 10:29 am

Thanks girls! Just had a little boo hoo in the loos at work!

Feel miles better after reading ur advice! He seems to be my weak point and I'm really hoping that my new boobies bring me the confidence in myself that I've always needed to get up and walk away from him for good!

I'm working today and tonight to keep myself busy then I'm going to get home at 9pm and chill and have girly time with my mum!

And wake up tomorrow all relaxed and prepared to recover :-)
Again girls thank u so much for your words! My heart has slowed down and I'm not angry any more xxxxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by kittie 21st March 2011, 10:46 am

That's awful hun, what timing some men have eh?

Try to keep your mind off him and chill before tomorrow.
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by flowergirl 21st March 2011, 12:15 pm

Awww Hug Lauren, what a pri*k!
Like others have said, just put it to the back of your mind and worry about it when you're fully recovered. He's obviously worried you're going to cheat on him now you have long hair and big boobies, so what he's saying is that you've only stayed with him cos you had short hair and smaller boobies?! ARGH! Bloody men!
He'll come round and it's up to you if you want him back but at the moment he's not your top priority so just think about those lovely bazookas you'll be getting tomorrow FOR YOU! xxx
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by Malibu 21st March 2011, 1:17 pm

Sorry to hear you've had all this stress before your Op Lola, best of luck for tomorrow. Surround yourself with positive people! You'll have other things on your mind come tomorrow and the next coming weeks.
I had a great experience with Dr Khan on Friday, I'm sure you'll be fine! x
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by Alt_Barbie 21st March 2011, 1:50 pm

Maybe he doesnt want you to get it done... & maybe he thinks this way it will stop you?

Who knows what goes on in peoples heads sometimes.
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by pinkbabe 21st March 2011, 7:20 pm

Ah no sorry to hear that hun. I know its hard but try and focus on your BA for now. x
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by misf1 21st March 2011, 8:10 pm

He aint worth it, dont even give him a 2nd thought. How dare he cheat on you ever. You deserve better. How do I know? cause I've done the same thing, taken them back gone through all the rows over nothing. He will only bring you down. Dont change your hair/make up or any part of you trying to please them. You never will, cause if they dont love you dispite what you look like etc then find yourself someone who will. Looks fade and you want someone who isn't going to trade you in for a younger model when the wrinkles and grey hairs start to appear. I swear some men think they are hugh bleeding heffner? Be strong hun. I know you dont need this at the moment. But you are going to be just fine. Your op will go well, you'll go out in a few weeks on your first girls night with the new boobies and you will feel like a million pounds. Only look forward, never look back. Enjoy your boobie day, you deserve it!
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by Jenbabes 21st March 2011, 8:16 pm

Its your day tomorrow, so I am focusing on you so relax and just think of how fantastic you will feel in the summer, your confidence is going to be sky high and you will look even more gorgeous, it's me time that's what you need to focus on now Hug
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by elleblondie 21st March 2011, 8:22 pm

He's such a stooopid cow! He sounds like he's full of mind games. He's immature and hardly even a friend, let alone boyfriend. He doesn't care to think about you. He is trying to go out of his way & hurt you. I think you're too good for him. Keep it over with him for good. This is seriously the last thing that should be on your mind.
You are such a beautiful girl & your going to look amazing with your new knockers! He's trying to manipulate you & break your confidence. He's trying to break you before you go in for surgery. Stay away from him & lean on us. We'll support you & listen any time - just like he should have been doing anyway.
Btw -you will find an amazing guy just as soon as you stop looking! That's when it always happens. So be young & have fun until that moment/ person finds you.
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by deflated 21st March 2011, 8:23 pm

ah think he is jealous, you havnt done anything wrong. this is his guilty consious and is trying to put the blame on you. if you get chatted up now hes def paniking what will happen once you get your new assets. take no heed go in there with your held high and enjoy your day. best of luck for tomo. take care . oncea cheater always a cheater.
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how bloody selfish can u get?! Empty Re: how bloody selfish can u get?!

Post by alice111 25th March 2011, 8:29 pm

Hun ive just had to end it with my bf, as soon as i said im havin a boob job this year he went all cold on me, so i thought im not putting up with someone who cant cope with my transition.

New boobs, new boyfriend, more exciting nights out with the girls showing them off! So many better things to look forward to!!!
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