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Gutted after 3mth App!

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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by kesall 17th August 2009, 1:29 pm

Hi, well i've had my consultation with my surgeon & just as i expected the outcome was NOT what i wanted to hear!!
My skin is mega damaged due to years of sagging, pregnancies, weight gain/loss, so i've become like Mr Stretchy out of Fantastic 4 Shocked !! So the next step apparantly is for me to have the "pockets" reduced & sewn to my RIBS!?!?! & the skin stretched tight from my back round to my bust? Sounds horrible, but he felt it was the only way he could stop my implants from bottoming out & moving from lefty to righty so much, he also said he has never done the procedure & would be discussing me with his fellow surgeons to see what they thought, (would i be a guinea pig?) mmmm im not sure at the moment if its the right thing for me to do as even though my boobs are not the prettiest two things i've ever seen they are now "full" rather than two long flaps of empty skin! So do i want to go through this procedure which he said would be "very hard" on me? just to get an extra half inch more height & the bottoming out fixed? (bearing in mind i have 3 kids a Hotel & trying to set up a small Nail Business!) Call me a total coward but the whole thing scares the living daylights out of me, and who's to say that the procedure would work? Would i end up with a horrid result & wish i had just left them? Decisions decisions........... :pale:
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by sarahsbabies 17th August 2009, 2:15 pm

Oh so sorry to hear you didn't get the answers you wanted. Honestly I think it sounds like he's trying to scare you into going away. I cannot understand why he has not suggested putting the implant under the muscle so that it is your muscle helping to support the implant instead of just your own skin, which as you've said is already at its limit. I think you should go for a second opinion with another surgeon, someone who specialises in Breasts. My PS just doesn't do uplifts with overs as he doesn't think the the implant is supported enough, he only does unders for that very reason.... Thats just apauling, I feel really angry for you :evil:
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by SG007 17th August 2009, 4:57 pm

I dont know whether i agree with the fact hes trying to fob you off. I think it was honest of him to say that he hadnt done the procedure before :dunno: . Perhaps something additional/different will come out of it when he discusses your case with the other surgeon. Atleast he is saying there is something that might be of benefit to you and acknowledging things arnt perfect. At the end of the day its your decision, i guess its a wait and see game....see what info he comes back to you with at the end of the day....who knows

x Give You
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by kesall 17th August 2009, 7:17 pm

Hi, yeah i definately agree he seemed more disapointed that we had come to this, he also said when i was going out that he was going to be thinking of me & that he would do his very best for me which i thought was nice, at the end of the day its not his fault my skin is like it is, so its just a case of me deciding what i want to do x
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by Nisey 17th August 2009, 7:18 pm

Oh dear, that's not at all good :pale:
Hopefully the other surgeon will have another idea, as the one you were given sounds a little extreme. Maybe it just sounds worse than it actually is though? I wouldnt feel too confident if he's never done it before though.
Its totally up to you though, if you really want nice boobs for your confidence and happiness, then maybe you should go for it. Only you know if you think its worth it or not. What would you regret more, trying this and it going wrong and perhaps ending up with worse than you started, or not going for it and never knowing if it would've worked and made you happy or not?

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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by natalia 17th August 2009, 9:41 pm

so sorry to hear this hun couldnt he refer u to a specialist cause it dsnt sound right what he wants to do sounds painful and strange
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by *Sally* 18th August 2009, 7:21 am

Well I think you sound like you're taking it all in your stride and staying positive which is good. I think I agree with SG007 - Mr Kuna sounds like he really is being very honest with you and is clearly very disappointed at the outcome. I think at the moment all you can do is keep your options open and weigh up the pros and cons. See what he says after he's spoken to his colleagues and maybe see another surgeon for a second opinion.

I think Sarah's making a good point too tho about putting the implants under the muscle too.

Keep in touch hun.

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Location : Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK

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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by kesall 18th August 2009, 7:35 am

Hi girls, well i've decided that its going to get me nowhere being miserable! Im going to jold tight & see what Mr Kuna & his fellow surgeons come up with, he said he would never consider giving me unders due to my bad muscle/tissue etc, the technique he suggested sounds a bit scary to me so im looking at other options & as i said its definately NOT his work that is in Q its my own skin problem, & if the worst comes to the worst i still prefer to have full boobies rather than thin saggy flaps, i'll defo let you all know if i hear from him before i see him again in Jan (sounds so far away!) x
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by Nisey 18th August 2009, 7:40 am

Why are you having to wait til January? I'm sure you will hear from him before then, surely he wouldnt just leave it so many months when there is clearly a problem needing fixed!
I really hope you get this sorted out, and end up with a solution that makes you happy. Thinking of you Hug

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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by natalia 18th August 2009, 8:06 am

i agree why is he leaving it so long
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by del 18th August 2009, 9:46 am

Hi Kesall,

Ive just pm you before i read this post. Im also wondering why he's leaving it so long? Its such a hard decision, I still havent decided what im going to do! x
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by kesall 18th August 2009, 12:26 pm

I agree with all of you, whay has he told me he doesnt want to see me until January (may i add with a decision) when really i feel he should be giving me some info of some sort to help me decide if i do want to go ahead! He said he would'nt even consider re-op for a full year (does he mean from now or May when i originally had them done? I am defo not trying to slate him in any way but i dont feel fully informed & i am mulling over whether i should contact my co-ordinator & ask her if he could be clearer with her & send me some info, it seems he is just deciding on his own what he is doing with me & although he said some lovely things i didnt even get a goodbye??? mmmm i am thinking of going somewhere for a second opinion, what do you girls think, my mood/mind is changing day to day?
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by natalia 18th August 2009, 3:59 pm

if u want me to be honest i dont think he is re constractive surgeon and that he really should really re fer u to someone who knows how to sort out your problem as u paid alot of money most say 6 months b4 re op i think after u paid all that had uplift u need it correcting and if he cant do then he should get someone esle to and not make u wait i think u should get second opinion yes then u can goback to him and complain sorry hun but he needs to sort this out for u !!
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by sarahsbabies 18th August 2009, 4:19 pm

When did he tell you that your tissue/muscle was bad? I think your shouldering a lot of the blame yourself, when you really shouldn't. Fair enough your skin might have lost a lot of its elasticity, but your muscle???? Surely if it was that bad he would have noticed during your surgery and not continued. I agree with Nat, you should try and get the company to refer you to a reconstructive surgeon as Mr Kuna doesn't sound like he has the skill to fix it, without giving you what sounds like a 'body lift'.. If I were you I would seek the opinion of a specialist reconstructive breast surgeon, and depending on what he says, if he says it can be fixed, then I would inform your company and if you get nowhere, take them to court. £7k is a lot of money to pay when you have not got the results that you were told were achievable. You can buy a car with £7k, its a lot of money.
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by natalia 18th August 2009, 4:29 pm

i agree with sarah if they cant fix it they should refer u to someone who can or simply give u a refund if u payed for a up lift u shouldnt be blaming yourself for him not doing his job probaply 7 k is alot of money im really sorry your blaming yourself when its not your fault
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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by *Sally* 18th August 2009, 7:44 pm

kesall wrote:Hi girls, well i've decided that its going to get me nowhere being miserable! Im going to jold tight & see what Mr Kuna & his fellow surgeons come up with, he said he would never consider giving me unders due to my bad muscle/tissue etc, the technique he suggested sounds a bit scary to me so im looking at other options & as i said its definately NOT his work that is in Q its my own skin problem, & if the worst comes to the worst i still prefer to have full boobies rather than thin saggy flaps, i'll defo let you all know if i hear from him before i see him again in Jan (sounds so far away!) x

I think your attitude is great hun - its really hard to stay positive in this situation but at the end of the day it has happened so the best thing you can do it look forward and do everything you can to get it fixed.

I agree with the other girls tho that January is a long time to wait. I know a lot of surgeons prefer to wait 6 months for a reop but I was back in theatre 10 weeks after my original ba with no complications whatsoever (other than a mild hangover feeling for a week or so due to the ga and meds). I know MB's policy is to correct problems free of charge within 6 months - do the company you went with have a similar policy in which case waiting till January may mean you have to pay further hospital fees? I'd speak to your PC again and if necessary go and see Mr Kuna again and have him explain it to you more fully. Its so hard to take everything in - I know I asked my PS on the day of my reop to explain it all again and understand his reasons much better now.

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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by nads 21st August 2009, 2:46 pm

kesall wrote:he also said he has never done the procedure & would be discussing me with his fellow surgeons to see what they thought, (would i be a guinea pig?)
This worried me hun, you need someone who has lots of experience in the procedure they intend to do on, especially as its a revision op. I would personally go to a specialist BAAPS surgeon (Adam Topping has a great rep for uplifts), yes it will cost you more money but in the long term it will probably save you money because what if it doesnt go right again? Keep us posted hun x

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Gutted after 3mth App! Empty Re: Gutted after 3mth App!

Post by Mia 28th September 2009, 8:51 pm

Hi Kesall!!

How you doing? Thinking of you Gutted after 3mth App! 571992 xx
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