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Breast Buddies
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Am I being naughty or just stupid?

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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by Pussycat 10th November 2011, 1:24 pm

I'm 2 weeks po and my nurse said I can still go braless, no sports bra/support bra or anything if I feel ok without, but today on my lunchbreak I bought a little bandeaux bra thing to conceal the shape as they're really pointy in my work uniform, do you think it's ok to wear? It's comfortable enough, maybe a little snug (but used to nothing!) and has very light padding. If I'm allowed to go braless then do you think this is okay and not causing them damage?

Thankyou :)
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by PoppyBee 10th November 2011, 1:40 pm

I was told i could go bra less by my ps but as i felt uncomfortable like that he told me i could wear a bra so long as it wasn't underwired. I'd say you should be ok, just steer clear of wires!x
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by katyp 10th November 2011, 1:41 pm

I say (not being a professional Blush )Definitely!! Sports bras, t-shirt bras, no bras, whateva bras... all in moderation bub!!! :thumbs: My surgeon says the same thing, if you mix it up you'll find you get soft rounded boobies! Flash
Some RAPID RECOVERY surgeons even tell girls to lay on their chests for fifteen minutes a day in the first few weeks/months (google dr john tebbitt usa or something, he's teaching all sorts of surgeons his tequnique!) and not massage but stretch...every doctor is different but it's all good I think... but if it hurts, stop! Obviously! lol!
You'll be right, but if you wanna check with your surgeon then do..xxxx Heart
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by Pussycat 10th November 2011, 1:49 pm

Aww Thankyou sweetcheekses, it's pretty comfy I was just worried I might squash them or something. I stil can't wait to take it off though I'm getting used to going au natural!
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by katyp 10th November 2011, 1:59 pm

Don't worry about squashin' them!! hahahaha :thumbs: they're super strong and as I said some doctors tell women to ROLL and LAY on them with their FULL body weight!!! OMG! Shocked There is a girl on here that did that in the doc office when she questioned there durability; he made her roll on her chest just post op!!! wtf Hysterical Funny, but it got the message across!! Heart
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by sparkyleeds 10th November 2011, 4:26 pm

Why do some surgeons say to wear a sports bra for 6 weeks and some say to go braless??? Whos right ??
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by annaliese76 10th November 2011, 4:42 pm

katyp wrote:Don't worry about squashin' them!! hahahaha :thumbs: they're super strong and as I said some doctors tell women to ROLL and LAY on them with their FULL body weight!!! OMG! Shocked There is a girl on here that did that in the doc office when she questioned there durability; he made her roll on her chest just post op!!! wtf Hysterical Funny, but it got the message across!! Heart

I was really panicking the other day when i took my daughter to the library to choose some books and she poked the corner of the book in my boob, I thought "oh no, what if she pops it!" lol but i'm sure they must be pretty tough . I am allowed to go braless at night after 2 weeks but must wear bra during the day for another 4 weeks after that xxx
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by AmyD 10th November 2011, 5:42 pm

god i'm so glad this has been mentioned. i woke up lying on my front and was terrified i'd moved the implant out of its pocket or squashed them somehow!! got up pretty swiftly that day!! xx
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Am I being naughty or just stupid? Empty Re: Am I being naughty or just stupid?

Post by kiwigirl 10th November 2011, 11:15 pm

sparkyleeds wrote:Why do some surgeons say to wear a sports bra for 6 weeks and some say to go braless??? Whos right ??

I don't really think it's a case of right or wrong hun, it's just that different surgeons use different techniques and hold different opinions, generally based on their own experience of what works best. For example, the PS I went with ONLY offers the use of Brazilian style implants - he used to use the other style, now he feels he gets the best results from Brazilians, so he only offers 'best outcome' in his opinion. He also told me to tape my scars for 6 months to prevent them spreading - he feels this is the best technique to achieve this. But plenty of girls on here don't tape theirs at all, or only for a few weeks, etc. The main thing is you're comfortable with your PS, and confident he/she is giving you the best advice for YOU, then you do what they tell you to do.

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